
Lol zed mains reddit
Lol zed mains reddit

Well, I made my own, this time with proper animations, sound and everything. Zed Mains : leagueoflegends 55 Posted by 25 days ago Zed Mains 2 comments 82 Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up Sort by: best level 1 24 days ago Lemme guess he had no R 1 level 1 24 days ago hanzzz (NA) all he had to do was save up for an e in the bushes 1 More posts from the leagueoflegends community 26. View community ranking In the Top 5 of largest communities on Reddit. A subreddit dedicated to the League of Legends / Wild Rift champion: Zed - The Master of Shadows. Ive found that those two champs are pretty much unplayable for Zed. The difference between a good and bad Zed is that a bad Zed can always get 1 kill in a teamfight (usually the ADC). Thats simply what assassins do when they have more items.

lol zed mains reddit

Ill go first, I always ban either Garen or Vi in high Plat. Any assassin can oneshot a squishy with one rotation without even using their R when ahead. He cannot deny Zed like Ori and Rumble can, espcially in earlier. Recommended bans for Zed Just curious as to who you guys ban on Zed, and state why or why not ban certain champs. Garens only strength is that he can face tank all of Zeds damage in lane without a huge issue. Things like Rumble, Boneplating, seekers, TP or Barrier Ori, Nocturne and Camille are much better if both players are good at the game. Zed has better poke after level 3, but he cant all-in her. Best thing to do in this scenario is push lane and roam, see if you can pick off enemy jgl or get some kills bot lane.

#Lol zed mains reddit skin

Show off your mastery and make your flair beautiful! Zed DiscordĪatrox Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Aphelios Ashe Aurelion Sol Azir Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Caitlyn Camille Cassiopeia Cho'gath Corki Darius Diana Dr. I remember there was a Vader Kassadin custom skin ages ago. 38K subscribers in the zedmains community. In higher elos, Garen isnt the best counter pick. Lissandra wins this matchup if she has more than 2 brain cells.

Lol zed mains reddit